TCVN 9398-2012 “Surveying in construction – General requirement”
Click me!QCVN 04: 2009/BTNMT “National technical regulation on estabilsment of horizotal control network
QCVN 11: 2008/BTNMT ” National technical regulation on establisment of leveling network
TCVN 10673:2015 “Mine surveying”
68-2015/TT-BTNMT: ” National technical regulation on establisment of topographic map 1/500; 1/1000; 1/2000; 1/5000
TCVN 9401:2012 “Technical of measuring and processing GPS data in engineering survey
39/2014/TT-BTNMT “Technical regulations for creatingTechnical regulations for creating maps and DEM/DTM using LiDAR scanning technology”
07/2021/TT-BTNMT “Technical regulations for acquiring and processing digital image data using flycam to Topographic map at scale 1:500, 1:1,000”