Corrosion of reinforcement is a major factor causing premature deterioration of large-scale concrete infrastructure Worldwide. Early failures of the structure due to premature reinforcement corrosion may result in damage to people and assets. To prevent degradation as well as to maintain the structure, an effective monitoring solution is needed to assess the corrosion in reinforced concrete. Encardio-rite offers a cost-effective reliable corrosion monitoring solution for existing as well as to-be-constructed structures.
The corrosion monitoring system consists of different probes (anodes and combi-electrode) embedded in concrete, data processing nodes, and a data logger to monitor the current corrosion state as well as the rate of corrosion of the reinforcement.
A humidity cum temperature sensor can be used for better evaluation of data.
All the above sensors are connected to measurement nodes that transmit data through a single digital bus cable connected to a controller/datalogger.