One of the main advantages of this solution is its simple and rugged design which makes it suitable for long-term deployment in harsh conditions. The reference electrode used in the system is very stable and can be used for a very long time.
A displacement sensor is designed to measure linear displacement by converting mechanical motions into readable electrical signals. Crack Meters (crack width meter) and Joint Meters are Positions and Displacement Sensors/Transducers with anchors and ball joints.
Geodetic Targets are designed to measure deformation during tunneling and subway construction, for monitoring bridges, dams, slopes, and building structures. Survey Markers or geodetic survey markers are placed to mark significant survey points on the earth’s surface during geodetic and land surveying.
Comprehensive range of instrumentation accessories, including high-quality, international standard-compliant cables and junction boxes designed for geotechnical instruments.
A readout unit is a microprocessor that displays the output data. Readout units and the data loggers make up an essential part of the monitoring system. The readout units are equipped with smart technology, which allows them to connect to multiple geotechnical instruments and record the readings. The recorded data can then be uploaded to a host computer or printed out on any text printer using the serial interface.
Scouring is wearing away of riverbed material that supports piers or abutments. The piles or pier foundation get exposed down to significant depths due to large scale scouring. This may destabilize the foundation of the bridge causing bridge failure. Scouring thus compromises the safety of the bridge. It has been the cause of failure of several bridges around the world. It is thus, critical for the stakeholders to detect the occurrence of stream/riverbed scour at bridge piers and monitor the scour depth variation.
Seismometers are designed to measure ground movements/vibrations caused by earthquakes, excavations, boring, drilling, etc. They record these vibrations as graphs often known as seismographs. Accelerometers are used to measure static or dynamic accelerating forces.
Settlement monitoring is very important to evaluate the possible problems and for risk management related to ground displacement on surface or underground constructions. Settlement monitoring is used in the field of tunnelling, dams, embankments, deep excavations, foundations, retaining walls as diaphragm walls, and buildings affected by possible differential settlement.
One of the most basic instruments that we use in our daily lives is temperature sensors. From thermometers and refrigerators to water heaters and air-conditioners, they all have temperature sensors in them. But, the role of temperature sensors is not just limited to domestic equipment. They are paired up with several other sensors to measure the temperature of structures, buildings, soil, and water as well.
The automatic weather station is a weather data management and presentation system for meteorological data collected by individual sensors from a site. The system provides a reliable and cost-effective means of recording meteorological data.